“O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! how unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past finding out!” (Romans 11:33)
Some say that space is the final frontier. And yet, space is merely a box of sorts that God created out of necessity in order that our experience of His infinite continuum of possibility, what we call reality, could be fleshed out in our finite minds. Reality is merely the individual mind’s recognition of the boundaries of space and time. Our reaction to the multifarious potentialities afforded by such a framework provides us with rich imaginations despite man’s inherent depravity (Ecclesiastes 7:29, Romans 5:12, 19, Romans 3:23, Isaiah 53:6, Mark 10:18, Luke 18:19, et al). The existence of an actual infinitude cannot, of course, be proven or disproven. Science, therefore, being ultimately concerned with measureable absolutes and the derivatives thereof, will never adequately explain even the existence of God. It is not completely unlike a computer trying to exhaustively reason every intricacy of human emotion. The insurmountable problem with realist, absolutist, rationalist, relativistic, and conventionalist theories is, first and foremost, the fact that God exists outside the circumference of man’s possible experience, beyond the borders of time and space, having created all things.
In conclusion, considerations of time’s direction, thermodynamics, presentism, eternalism, quantum mechanics, and string theory are beyond my complete comprehension personally. However, this one thing I know without any incertitude – The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is the everlasting God (El Olam) without beginning and without end. Hallelujah! You alone have framed the worlds by the Word of your power (Hebrews 11:3, 1:3)
Heavenly Father, just overwhelm me continually with your steadfast love and indisputable omnipresence. “Ah Lord GOD! behold, thou hast made the heaven and the earth by thy great power and stretched out arm, and there is nothing too hard for thee: Thou shewest loving-kindness unto thousands, and recompensest the iniquity of the fathers into the bosom of their children after them: the Great, the Mighty God, the LORD of hosts, is His name, Great in counsel, and mighty in work: for Thine eyes are open upon all the ways of the sons of men: to give every one according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings” (Jeremiah 32:17-19). I know, of a surety that God is great far beyond even the way Tony the Tiger once declared that Frosted Flakes were great, God is good beyond the benevolence of any earthly father, and God is wonderful, exceeding the wonder of even the proof of Fermat's last mathematical theorem or the fascinating musings of Stephen Hawking. Lord, continue to overwhelm me with the wondrous works you have left me to ponder. From the rising of the sun to the going down of the same, you, oh Lord, are worthy to be praised. Hallelujah!
In prayer, I cover my eyes like the seraphim and contemplate the infinite expanse of your glory. Draw me ever closer in relationship to you, Lord. Help me not to look neither to the right nor the left as I keep my mind stayed on Thee in perfect peace. Be Thou my vision, oh God of my heart. Let me forever be foolish enough and peculiar enough to worship the invisible Holy One of Israel who was and is and is to come, God the Father of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ of Nazareth who is God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit – for these three agree in Heaven as one, The only living God who alone is omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent. Thank you, Lord, for your mercies which are new every morning, no matter how undeserving I may be. Thank you for causing the rain to fall upon the just and the unjust alike. Thank you for being no respecter of persons, oh God. You alone are faithful and just beyond reproach or measure. I worship and adore you, Almighty God! Thou hast not dealt with me according to my sins, but has justified me and given me life eternal through the substitutionary death of Christ, The Passover Lamb who was bruised for my iniquities, wounded for my transgressions, and raised from the dead as a first fruit of resurrection. Hallelujah! I thank you for allowing me the wonderful blessing of hearing and hearkening to your splendiferous voice. As you provided a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night in the wilderness, Thou art leading me by your Spirit, having first ordered my steps in your Word. Hallelujah! “Because thy loving-kindness is better than life, my lips shall praise thee.” (Psalm 63:3) Glory to your Holy name, El Elyon! Glory! Holy and Righteous are Thee alone.
© 2012 Brian L Hunter