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Thursday, November 15, 2012

Push Buttons

“For thou hast possessed [set up] my reins: thou hast covered me in my mother's womb.” (Psalm 139:13)

Our least favorite events are encounters with passive aggressive loved ones who delight in pressing all the right buttons necessary to create and sustain emotional conflicts. They have known us since we came into the world, hence, they know just how best to provoke us to wrath. While smirking nonchalantly and shrugging their shoulders, pretending to wonder why in the world we might possibly have cause to be annoyed or frustrated with them, they project blame and shut down any productive dialogue by absolutely denying even the remotest fraction of responsibility for the incident. Words at such times only lead us further down a path of unrighteousness, no matter how hushed or polite the tones. Given the sin sick condition of our hearts, it is quite easy for us to murder the esteem, the psyche, and the basic human dignity of our brother, sister, son, daughter, mother, or father with a polished Hollywood smile on our faces. Such is the depravity in this flesh…

Lord, please perfect that love and patience of which I am incapable without You, God the Holy Spirit. Please hold my hand and guide me out of darkness and into Your truth and life. I so desperately desire to live, and move, and have my being in Christ my Savior. Help me, Lord. You alone are my peace and I desperately need Thee every hour. Try my reigns, Lord! Be Thou my vision in this fiery furnace of family dysfunction and confusion. I ask it all in Jesus’ holy and mighty name. Amen.

“Examine me, O LORD, and prove me; try my reins and my heart.” (Psalm 26:2)

“I will bless the LORD, who hath given me counsel: my reins also instruct me in the night seasons.” (Psalm 16:7)

© 2012 Brian L Hunter

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